Monday, January 26, 2009

The Dumbest Thing I've Seen All Day

This may surprise you, but it comes from our good friends at Fox News. So Nancy Pelosi is getting a lot of heat from the right (and some hyper-sensitive media outlets) over the expansion of a family-planning program that's included in the proposed stimulus package. As TPM explains:
What's being proposed is an expansion in the number of states that can use Medicaid money, with a federal match, to help low-income women prevent unwanted pregnancies. Of the 26 states that already have Medicaid waivers for family planning, eight are led by Republican governors (AL, FL, MS, SC, CA, LA, MN and RI -- a ninth, MO, had a GOP governor until this past November).

Well a genius blogger on Fox News has made the assertion that less people (because they have been aborted) means less taxpayers:

We have already reduced the number of taxpayers by an estimated 50 million since abortion became legal in 1973. If we had 50 million more people paying taxes, would we be in our current budget malaise?

Yes, he's serious. And he probably hasn't read Freakonomics.

Read his genius commenter aptly named I Love Rush, Hannity, and Savage:

The Goverment needs to tell everyone that abortions and contraceptives are not allowed. Women who get abortions should go to jail, no exceptions. Doctors who perform abortions should have their licenses taken away. People who get caught with contraceptives should pay a big fine and/or go to jail.


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