Rahm Emanuel is a paradox of a man. I learned this yesterday while leisurely researching President-elect Barack Obama's new Chief of Staff. In fact, I literally laughed out loud (sidenote: should there be like a You Can't Do That On Television sliming every time I use "literally" in this blog?) when I found out that Emanuel--ball busting, dead fish giving, curse word spewing Emanuel--is a ballet dancer. He danced in high school and was even offered a scholarship to attend a dance college, but opted for Sarah Lawrence instead, where he danced his freshman year. This guy is infinitely interesting. He's actively involved in supporting Israel. He lost half a finger in a meat-cutting incident at an Arbys. He is the inspiration for Bradley Whitford's character in the West Wing. And now, he's Obama's Chief of Staff.
Rolling Stone published a lengthy piece on him back in 2005, before he orchestrated the Democratic takeover of Congress in 2006. I haven't read it yet, but imagine it's a good one and plan on reading it in the next day or so.
And if anyone can find video of the man they call "Rahmbo" in tights executing a perfect pirouet, please send it my way.
In the meantime, you'll just have to settle for this video from 2005 of Obama roasting Emanuel:
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