Monday, October 13, 2008

I Heart Nate Silver

I forgot to mention this last week. I heart Nate Silver like whoa. He is geeky and adorable and totally smart. He likes baseball and politics and is a phenomenon in both fields, without ever picking up a bat or a microphone. Boyfriend has been following him for a long time now because he came up with this metric for Baseball Prospectus called PECOTA that is like, super accurate (even though he predicted the Phillies to be in third place in the NL East this year--we'll let that one go). And then he went and applied the same logic to political polling because, like baseball, elections are games driven by statistics. He has a blog that I've mentioned here before,, that organizes all the polling data and feeds it into the magic statistics easy-bake-oven and then pops out predictions and graphs and stuff. The blog part of the site is very insightful as well. But because of his really cool metrics, a lot of other media have picked up on him. Gawker mentioned him today and the profile New York did on him. And he was on the Colbert Report last week. Check out his interview with Stephen and how geeky, adorable, and totally smart he is (not to mention funny). And then don't forget to go to his site, cause it's a good one.


Anonymous said...

He's gay. Bad luck.

Caitlar said...

John Zogby, is that you?