Monday, September 22, 2008

Commenting on Emmy Comments

The Emmy's were last night (huzzah!) and I love award shows. Too bad I was busy making ratatouille for some friends and missed both the red carpet and much of the show. And then once they left, I had had a few too many glasses of wine to stay awake to watch what remained of the ceremony. Not that I didn't love having Sunday dinner at my house.

Apparently, there was a bit of a moratorium on political comments, wherein presenters and winners were discouraged from making any political statements while at the microphone. That didn't stop several, however, from trying. Howie Mandel, Laura Linney, and Kirk Ellis made some jabs at the GOP. Ellis was even cut off abruptly, mid-sentence, with a commercial break. Way to be stewards of free speech, ABC!

Here's a great exchange between Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, that is more subtle, but no less biting.

Oh, Hollwood. Stop having opinions and just keep looking pretty.

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