Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Walk Away From the Computer for TWO HOURS

And look what happens! I can't even talk about it right now, I'm afraid I will burst a blood vessel. Suspend the campaign? Postpone the debate? WTF to the nth. How is dragging your campaign and all of the press hoopla (oh, I forget, he doesn't talk to them) to Washington going to depoliticize the discussion about the bailout package? NEWS FLASH, JOHN MCCAIN: This country is going through real problems here, okay? This is really not the time to play "Call My Bluff, Suckahs." Postponing a debate with only 40 days to go before the election is not going to give us any idea of how you would fix these problems.

Do us all a favor and suspend your campaign indefinitely.

Also, I have yet to see evidence that the entire economy will, in fact, implode at the strike of midnight on Friday if the administration's proposal is not passed. Calling Naomi Klein. Looks like it's so bad that they may need to cancel the election....

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