Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Partisan Partisan Partisan

I haven't really posted my thoughts regarding the vote yesterday because I haven't really been sure what I thought about it. I didn't love the bailout plan; it was an awful lot of money to put the taxpayers on the hook for, and, frankly, I was sure how much I trusted the same guy who said just a month ago that the economy was fine. Plus, the lightening speed with which they wanted to bill passed was just a little too reminiscent of the Patriot Act.

The WSJ gives a good rundown of what happened yesterday, what is likely to happen now, and some of the politics that have been thrown about like a high school cafeteria food fight.

I still don't know if I'm happy or upset that the bill failed yesterday, although my initial reaction was OH GOD. What I do know, however, is that this partisan blame game is just running circles around my brain. Well, we came out to do this in a nonpartisan way, but then they came out and were all partisan, so we were like, well then we're going to be partisan, but now something has to be done that's not partisan, even though it's their fault for being partisan. Personally, I think all of Congress should be banned from using the word "partisan" for one week and we'll see what kind of progress we make.

Oh and also, I would be more sympathetic to Republican representatives in the House if they hadn't used the lamest excuse ever: Nancy Pelosi's speech made us not support the bill. Come on, really? I love Barney Frank's response to this. Like, why couldn't they just say "Our constituents have let us know over the past week that they were strongly against this bill"? That would have been a logical and acceptable response. I know it's an election year and all, but their idea that you can't just give the American people honest answers about real problems is not helping them.

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