Thursday, October 2, 2008

Literally the Best VP Debate Drinking Game Ever

Okay people. So the VP debate is tonight. I have been waiting for this shit show ever since McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate. It's probably better for my blood pressure that the Phillies are on right before the debate, so I will have already been drinking and be tipsy enough to not care so much. But for those of you who will commence your drinking at the start of this monumental match of intellect, I give you Literally the Best VP Debate Drinking Game Ever.

-Warm up. Chug your beer if all of the following occurs:
a) Both Candidates show up
b) Gwen Ifill is still the moderator
c) McCain does not accompany Palin on stage
-Take one sip anytime Palin says "reformer"
-Take one sip anytime Biden says "change"
-Take two sips anytime Palin says "hockey mom"
-Take two sips anytime Biden says "I take the train home everyday"
-Every time Palin mentions one of her kids by name, take the number of sips corresponding to that child’s birth order ( 1 for Track, 2 for Bristol, 3 for Willow, 4 for Piper, 5 for Trig, and 6 for Bristol's baby)
-Drink from the spot in a response where you think Biden should stop until he actually stops talking
-Drink from the point where the moderator needs to clarify a question for Palin (ie the Bush Doctrine) until Palin actually gives an answer sort of close to what the question asked
-Drink the amount of time it takes Biden to define something before he answers the question
-Drink the number of syllables of a foreign name or place Palin pronounces correctly
-Take a sip anytime you smack your head after a response from Palin
-Take a sip anytime Biden smacks his head after a response from Palin
-Chug anytime either say "Literally." Here's looking at you, Joe.

Have fun!

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